FINDING YOUR VOICE: The Assertive & Empowered Woman
A must-read book for women who wish to gain self-esteem and become empowered to stand strong in the face of adversity, bullying, toxic relationships, and become assertive in their personal and professional lives. Written by 27 contributing experts, coaches, consultants, attorneys, and CEO's from the U.K., Canada, Bahrain, Nigeria, Puerto Rico, Ireland,Jamaica, and the USA including Dr. Suzanne Minarcine, Dr. Patricia Baxter, Dr. Phyllis Quinlan, Michelle Runte, Carolyn Fleming-Sawyerr, Leanne Donoghue-Tamplin, Deanne Earle, Mary Ouchie, Chineme Noke, Jemma Cooper, Darlene West, Judith Carmody, Rosette Obedoza, Merci McKinley, Naomi Caietti, Vivian Timmins, Ashley Thuo, Sabrina C. Nelson, Megan McAvoy, Dr. Tanja Isabella Nunnold, Tonya L. Whiteside, Sylvia Perez, Harmeet Anand, Patricia Taylor, Bernadette Michael, and Amy Burger. FINDING YOUR VOICE will give the reader increased confidence to stand strong in her beliefs, values, and dreams.